Why Should You Consider Becoming An Agent?

Becoming an insurance agent offers a promising career with opportunities to learn and grow at your own pace.

What an Insurance Agent Does

We can’t tell you whether or not you should become an insurance agent. What we can do is tell you what an agent does so you can consider how you would fit into the role. And, chances are, you’d be a great fit.

When you become an insurance agent, you get to be a spokesperson, a people person, and a peacekeeper.

When you work with an independent agency like the Memorial Insurance Group, you can be the spokesperson for your client to find their best coverage.

You’ll also get to work with many people from all walks of life, getting to know them, their story, and their family, taking care of them and their needs from day one.

As an agent, your clients will rely on you. You’re not a salesperson; you’re an advocate. If you work towards that, the sales will come naturally.

What Being an Insurance Agent Can Do for You

Of course, you want to help people, but a career is only worth pursuing if it rewards you as well.

You’ll always have room to grow your profits as an insurance agent. You’ll get paid for each new client you sign and keep a steady revenue stream as long as they keep their policy. You do your job and keep customers secure, and you are set.

Being an agent is also known for flexibility. You can choose your pace and decide what you want to work on. You need to be consistent to succeed but think of it like school. If one subject, or client, takes more of your time, you can dedicate more to it.

Finally, expect a highly rewarding career, not just financially but also emotionally. You can feel confident that you are making a difference. You’re providing people with what they need to have peace of mind, with confidence in you that you’re on their side.

Your Career Partner—Call Memorial Insurance Group

We want to take you on the next step towards a successful and rewarding insurance agent career. To learn more, contact the Memorial Insurance Group.